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ماموریت سازمانی موسسه خیریه

بهنام دهش پور

مبارزه با سرطان در تمامی عرصه ها و حمایت از بیماران به دور از هرگونه تبعیض

افتخارات بهنام

ارتباط با ما

تهران، خیابان شریعتی،بالاتر از پل رومی، کوچه عاج ، پلاک ۷

سرطان چیست و چکونه رخ می دهد؟

سلول بنیادی‌ترین واحد سازنده بدن همه موجودات زنده است، سلولها در طول عمر ما هنگامی‌که بدن به آنها نیاز دارد طی فرآیندهایی به تعداد بیشتری تقسیم شده و رشد میکنند. رشد و تقسیم کنترل نشده سلولها میتواند منجر به ازدیاد سلولهای طبیعی به سلولهای سرطانی تبدیل می شوند. سلولهای آلوده توانایی حمله به سایر سلولها و بافتهای مجاور و سایر نقاط بدن را پیدا میکنند. اینگونه است که سرطان در ایجاد و رشد پیدا میکند.

نامگذاری سرطانها براساس نوع سلولهای سرطانی در نقطه شروع آنها انجام میشود.

بسیاری از سرطانها با غربالگری و تشخیص زودهنگام در مراحل اولیه قابلیت تشخیص و امکان درمان راحتتری را دارند. سرطان پستان از این دسته و یکی از شایعترین سرطانها در بین زنان و با درصد بسیار کمی در بین مردان است.

احتمال تشخیص سرطان پستان در مراحل اولیه، در زنانی که مراجعات منظم به پزشک متخصص برای انجام معاینات و تصویربرداریهای لازم را جدی میگیرند، بالاتر بوده و به روند درمان کمک خواهد کرد. فراموش نکنیم که همه زنان میتوانند با افزایش آگاهی و دوری از عوامل خطرزا، انجام خودآزمایی منظم و معاینات ماهیانه پستان همراه با انجام دوره ای تصویربرداری استاندارد و حساس بودن به تغییرات پستان و بدن و مراجعه به موقع به متخصصان، خطر ابتلا به سرطان پستان را کاهش و یا به موقع این بیماری را کاهش و یا به موقع این بیمادی را تشخیص دهند

What is cancer and how does it occur?

The cell is the fundamental building block of all living creatures. Cells, during our lifetime, divide and grow through processes when the body needs them. Uncontrolled growth and division of cells can lead to the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells. Infected cells gain the ability to attack other cells, adjacent tissues, and other parts of the body. This is how cancer develops and grows.
Cancers are named based on the type of cancer cells at their origin. Many cancers, when screened and diagnosed early, especially in the initial stages, have a higher chance of being detected and are more easily treatable. Breast cancer is one of the common cancers, with a very low percentage among men.
The likelihood of detecting breast cancer in the early stages is higher in women who regularly consult a specialist for necessary examinations and imaging. Let’s not forget that all women can reduce the risk of breast cancer by increasing awareness, avoiding risk factors, conducting regular self-examinations, monthly breast examinations, and undergoing standard periodic imaging, staying sensitive to breast and body changes, and timely consulting with specialists for early detection and timely diagnosis of this disease.

Video text in English:

What is cancer and how does it occur?
Cell, the fundamental building block of living organisms, is the most basic unit in the human body
Which contains billions of cells with various functions.
Throughout our lives, cells divide and grow through controlled processes when the body needs them.
This growth and division occur in a regulated process and old cells take on various forms and eventually die.
Sometimes, cells continue to grow and divide even when the body doesn’t need new cells and that’s due to various reasons and mutations.
It is during this time that normal cells can transform into cancer cells.
Cancer cells differ from normal body cells in various ways and, in a way,
And they become immortal.
They have the ability to attack other cells and adjacent tissues and can spread to other parts of the body.
Cancers are named based on the type of cancer cells at their origin.
Like many other diseases, cancer can be influenced by immutable factors such as genetics or mutable factors like environmental factors and lifestyle.
Many cancers using screening and early detection in early stages, can make the treatment easier.
Breast cancer is one of them,
And one of the most common cancers among women with a very low percentage among men breast cancer, a type of cancer that disrupts the cell division function in breast cells.
Breast cancer cells in an affected individual increases excessively, beyond what is necessary.
The likelihood of detecting breast cancer in the early stages is higher in women who regularly consult a specialist and take necessary examinations and imaging seriously.
October is designated as the awareness month globally
And is named after providing public awareness about breast cancer.
The color pink is chosen as a symbol for this initiative.